Inventory (woodlot, wildlife, wetland, etc.)
Each year, several thousand forest hectares are inventoried for a various purpose. Our inventories are aimed at decision-making for a given project.
Every type of inventory (ecological, temporary, permanent, intervention, regeneration, etc.) allows us to characterize a site in a given situation.
Our experience allows us to carry out inventories in order to obtain significant results. Our multidisciplinary team is able to perform inventories in almost any environment situation.
We offer the following services;
- Ecological, temporary, permanent inventory;
- Wetland (littoral (LNHE));
- Public land;
- Sugar bush plan for quotas increase;
- Search for rare species;
- Tree quality (for sawmill, assessment, etc.);
- Volume per species, market price, etc.;
- Woodlot market value.
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